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Connecting to Lucia

Setup MobaXterm (Windows)

The easiest way to set up a new MobaXterm session for Lucia is to duplicate your existing session for NIC5. To do that, right-click on the NIC5 session and select Duplicate session.

MobaXterm files browser

Duplicate NIC5 session

Once the NIC5 session is duplicated, right-click on the duplicated session and select Edit session.

MobaXterm files browser

Edit the duplicated session

In the session settings panel, do the following changes:

  • change Remote host to
  • in the Bookmark settings, change the value of Session name to Lucia

MobaXterm files browser

Change of configuration for Lucia

Once you have made the changes listed above, click on the OK button. You should now have a session with name Lucia in the Sessions panel. Like for NIC5, double click on the session to connect.

Setup your SSH client (macOS, Linux, WSL)

If at the begining of the course you selected the Tier-1 configuration in the SSH configuration wizard, you should already have the correct configuration. However, you still need to perform the step to configure the host key for the login nodes of Lucia.

Change you SSH configuration

The first step is to open the ~/.ssh/config file in a text editor.

nano ~/.ssh/config

Then edit the general Host configuration of the CECI clusters by adding Lucia:

- Host lemaitre3 hercules nic5 dragon1 dragon2
+ Host lemaitre3 hercules nic5 dragon1 dragon2 lucia

and, at the end of the file, add the following two lines:

Host lucia

Close the file using Ctrl+X, then press Y and Enter to save the changes.

Configure the host key for both login nodes

Because lucia has two login nodes and depending on your version of SSH and the you may receive a warning message about a man-in-the-middle attack when connecting to, this is caused by the fact that you're connecting either to frontal01 and frontal02 and the two have a different host key. To avoid this issue, just remove the host key for from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts:

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts -R
and use the ECDSA host key instead with a wildcard in the hostname in order to use the same host key for both login nodes

echo "frontal* ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBMsp0o1PqzLFoPBjiURqe0XgzKuO/MvxtN1FawChfo4IICOpX/LNy7s7MIScnr6mVyGZzsQK4v8ehIK2YtcWVWE=" >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Connect to Lucia

Connecting to Lucia is done using the same ssh command as for NIC5:

ssh lucia