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File Management

Windows (MobaXterm)

On Window, when you are connected to NIC5, a file browser will be visible on the left side of the MobaXterm windows. This file browser allows you to perform all the basic operation you need, like copy files to/from your computer and create/delete files and directories on NIC5.

MobaXterm files browser MobaXterm files browser

File panel of MobaXterm

Linux, WSL and macOS

Copying file is initiated from your computer

All the command need to run on your computer even if you want to copy file from NIC5

Copying files/directories from and to NIC5 can be done with the scp command (for secure copy). The general syntax is


where SOURCE is the file/directory you want to copy and DESTINATION where you want to copy the file/directory. The -r option stands for "recursive" and is required to copy directories but can be omitted when copying a single file. To do copy to/from a remote host like NIC5 the source/destination is prefixed with REMOTE:. For NIC5, REMOTE will be "nic5" (nic5:).

For example, to copy the project directory from NIC5 to your computer, the command will be

scp -r nic5:project_info0939/ project_info0939/

As another example, to copy the file fdtd.c from your computer to NIC5, the command will be

scp fdtd.c nic5:fdtd.c